Do All Driven Entrepreneurs Become Successful?

Let me tell you a story about “John”. Do you want to know your business? Maybe I can help. Click here. John is someone I’ve known for years. About ten years ago, John decided he was going to take all the knowledge he’d learned as an engineer and start a company. John was considered one…

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Can You Avoid No Man’s Land? Your Startup Depends On It.

Have you ever found yourself in No Man’s Land? You know. It’s kind of like you’re driving along on the highway, and a sign comes along: “Next gas, 50 miles.” Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here. Your tank is close to empty. And you’re wondering, “Can I make…

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Should You Set Up A Fast Exit Strategy For Your Startup?

“So, how long do think it will be before we can exit?” The engineer said to me during his job interview. “Two years? three years?” [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here.] As politely as I could, I said, “I hate to burst your bubble, but it’s going to…

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What Are The Challenges Of Having More Than 2 Cofounders?

I think people that have never started a company have this perception that being a founder gives you some hidden decision making rights. “Ah, you’re a founder, you must be involved in every key decision? Right?” Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here. Wrong! Being a founder does not…

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What Are The Warning Signs Of A Bad Co-Founder?

Do you think it’s a good idea to propose marriage after your second date? Good, I didn’t think so. Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here. The best analogy for deciding on cofounders is dating. In fact, a cofounder relationship is more intense than a marriage: You’re working in…

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What’s The Best Use Of Your Excess Cash?

“If you give a startup $1 million, they’ll find a way to spend it,” my friend and VC, Dave said to me early on in my company’s life. Then he delivered the punch line. “If you give a startup $10 million, they’ll find a way to spend that too!” [Do you want to grow your…

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Why Trying To Limit Your Investors Ownership Doesn’t Matter

One of the greatest lines in movie history was said in the classic, All The President’s Men. The line is, “Follow the money.” Do you want to grow your business? Maybe I can help. Click here. The idea was that if you traced the trail of money, you would find out who was behind the Watergate break-in.…

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Is It Really Worth It To Be A Startup CEO?

“Are you having fun?” Bob Dobkin, our only angel investor, asked me when I was giving him an update on our progress about two months after we closed our Series A funding. [Do you want to grow your business? Maybe can I help.  Click here.] Bob was the co-founder and CTO/VP Engineering of Linear Technology.…

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What Should Your Mindset Be As A Startup CEO?

To: Past Self From: Future Self Subject: If I knew then what I know now Hey, it’s your older and wiser self. Somehow or other, despite all your screw ups, you made it! You’re done. You’ve achieved your dream of starting, building, and leading a company from scratch. Do you want to grow your business?…

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How Do You Overcome Investor Objections In One Slide?

Every VC or customer, or potential employee you ever meet with has reasons why they say no to the deal, no to closing the sale, or no to signing up to work with you.  The question is how do you overcome these objectives to close? In today’s short video, I’m going to show you how…

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