How To Learn To Pitch Like Steve Jobs - Click The Button Below To Buy
You just became a subscriber, so I wanted to offer you something simple that you can use to quickly:
- Learn the amazingly simple technique Jobs used to immediately get his audience’s attention. You can do the same thing. I'll teach you how.
- Learn how, Steve Jobs, the best presenter ever, organized his presentations to always get maximum impact. Once you learn this technique, your presentations will be ten times easier to construct, and they will be ten times easier for your audience to follow.
- Learn how Jobs built his audience’s anticipation to make a key point. Building anticipation is often the differnce between closing a deal and not closing a deal. The great news is this skill is easy for you to learn once I show you how to do it.
I’ve watched every Apple major product launch and MacWorld from 1997 through 2011. I’ve broken down for you how Jobs did what he did, so you can learn his skills.
In, “How To Learn To Pitch Like Steve Jobs,” we will dissect each slide of one of Jobs presentations, so you can learn how Jobs got such incredible results.
And it only costs $99. For that, you get:
- Instant access to the online course, so you can start learning right away
- Three information-rich video modules, so you can learn how to use Steve Jobs presentation skills to help you with your fundraising
- Lifetime access to the course, so you can access the course when you need to reference the material in the future

"If you’re a start-up founder looking for help on developing your fundraising pitch deck, he’s the go-to person.
Brett’s counsel can help you avoid costly mistakes in your pitch, wasting time with trial-and-error, and help improve your chances for success. Above all, from my interactions, I’ve seen that he is a person with integrity.” Jacob Mathew, CEO, LInen.